Marching Music for a Different Drummer

 In 3. Linda Peters-Getchell, Of Interest, Operations

By Linda Peters-Getchell

drum-2 Catch the Rhythm and Join The Dance

Today was one of those clean-the-closet, go-through-everything, revisit-old-projects and throw-out-the-old kind of days.

I found myself leafing through a workbook from one of my creative workshops, and I was lost for the afternoon.

Suddenly I was brought back to the moment when I heard the little Microsoft ding and it was an email reminding me that I had a blog entry due. I immediately knew an email would be arriving in a day or two that I had an article for the newsletter due. Ouch, I needed to get with the program.

I turned my thoughts to restaurants, the times, customer service, systems and customers and I went blank – just plain blank!

Then I looked at my workbook again and smiled and thought to myself, “Restaurant owners are people. They ought to be able to think about things other than their restaurant and the times. They deserve to hear their own music and sing their own song – especially right now.”

When we take a break from the daily grind, we free our minds to be open, to be creative and new ideas begin to flow. Our problem-solver button is reactivated and solutions flow.

So from a page of my workbook I would like to share with you thoughts from a page entitled “Marching Music for a Different Drummer; Catch the Rhythm and Join the Dance.”

What makes your heart sing?
What lifts your spirits?
What makes your soul soar?
What fills you with joy?
What fills you with love?

Create your list now!

When you have finished evaluate what you are doing to work with each of your answers to each of the questions? What will you begin doing today?

“When you see a thing clearly in your mind, your creative ‘success mechanism’ within you takes over and does the job much better than you could do it by conscious effort or will power.” Dr. Maxwell Maltz

Linda Peters-Getchell has 20 years in restaurant management and food and beverage customer service. She has owned her own restaurant and catering service, developed unique training programs and won two Key Player Awards for her customer service programs at Showboat Casino Hotel. She is currently a powerful creative force for restaurant expert David Scott Peters and his company, Smile Button Enterprises, serving as Fairy Godmother.

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