Bar Tips for Restaurant Owners

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By David Scott Peters

Bar Tip: Resources for Tasty/Unique Drinks

Look for books on specialty cocktails worldwide. Look for drinks made with local and exotic artesian alcohols and make a few of the ones that look interesting and fit into your profit expectations; make some that you’re not too sure about. You never know where the next great drink craze is going to come from!

At our TAKE ACTION Restaurant Success Series Seminar, “Your Secret Weapon to Greater Profitability: Bartenders and Beverage Systems,” we invited a guest presenter to talk about bartenders and the art of bartending.

Josh Briggs was our guest speaker, and he offered up some great tips to our restaurant owners in attendance. Below are two books he recommended live behind every bar. You can find them both on

“The Complete Book of Spirits” by Anthony Dias Blue

“Bartenders Black Book” by Stephen Kittredge Cunningham

Pick up a copy of each and assign them to your bartenders for reading. Ask for two new ideas based on their reading.

David Scott Peters is a restaurant expert, speaker and founder of Rather than focus on cheap thrills and destructive restaurant marketing tactics, he specializes in teaching independent restaurant owners how to use systems for increased sales and increased profits. He is the nationally acclaimed restaurant coach whose unique “SMART Systems” approach to boosting profits has earned him the title of, “The man who can walk into any restaurant in America and find $10,000 in undiscovered cash before he hits the back door – Guaranteed!” Learn more tips, tricks and secrets in David’s free weekly e-newsletter, “Instant Action Systems.” Simply sign up to receive the e-newsletter at

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